ComfortFlex Leather Orthotic Insoles: Arch Support & Active Carbon Foot Care

Jessica N.

I bought these because I was having trouble with working 8 hours a day with retail while also walking 30 minutes to and from work. (Which makes it a total of 9+ hours on my feet!) These have helped drastically. If you've ever worn Timberland boots, these are even better when it comes to standing for long periods of time. My cousin who has nurse shoes tried them on as well, and she even stated that she'll be looking into buying some.he fact these are easy to trim is a BIG bonus. They have yet to slide around in my shoes. There is just the right amount of support and spongeyness for my liking.I don't normally gush over how great something is but these!!! Yes, buy them. I will be buying these again for me and the hubby!


Everything is done with the remote. I also like how this collar has different sounds for the beeping noise, levels of vibration and shock. My dog likes to roam in the woods half a mile away and I hit the sound button, it worked that far away! I haven't had to use the shock part of the collar yet, it is uself in dangereous situations though,This is the best collar I have ever bought.

The Impact of Orthotic Insoles on Foot Health: A Study

This study examined the effects of orthotic insoles on foot health in 500 participants with various foot conditions. Over six months, those using orthotic insoles reported reduced foot pain, increased mobility, improved posture, and reduced fatigue compared to those using regular footwear. These findings highlight the importance of orthotic insoles in enhancing foot health and overall well-being.